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The French Health/Life Insurance Landscape

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Employee benefits in France are provided by several types of insurance carriers, some of which are particular to that country—and that results in some confusion. Here is a brief overview of the main types of players.

French English Translation Coverage Offered Applicable Laws and Regulations
Institutions de Prévoyance (IP) Provident Institutions
Paritarian Institutions
Group health, life, pensions Social Security Code
Groupe de Protection Sociale (GPS) Social Protection Group
(grouping of IPs)
None Social Security Code
Mutuelles 45 Mutuals organized under the Law of 1945 Health, life, individual and voluntary group Code de la mutualité
Mutuals’ Code
Compagnies d’assurances Insurance companies
Insurance carriers
All lines, group and individual Insurance Code

An insurance company can be either a joint stock company or a mutual, both forms being subject to the Insurance Code.
Institutions de Prévoyance (IP), Groupes de Protection Sociale (GPS), and Mutuelles 45 are organized as mutuals with specific governance rules.


Top 5 « Institutions de Prévoyance – IP », 2014

EUR millions
Humanis Prévoyance 2 404
BTP Prévoyance 2 215
AG2R Prévoyance 1 759
Malakoff Médéric GPP 1 708
Klesia 828

Gross premiums written in EUR millions, without accepted reinsurance; all lines

Top 5 « Groupes de Protection Sociale – GPS », 2014

EUR millions
AG2R La Mondiale 10 271
Malakoff Médéric 3 359
Humanis 2 929
Pro BTP 2 804
Apicil 1 188

Combined gross premiums written in EUR millions, without accepted reinsurance; all lines

Top 5 “Mutuelles 45,” 2013

EUR millions
Harmonie Mutuelle 2 212
Groupe MGEN 1 786
La Mutuelle Générale 1 050
Eovi Mcd Mutuelle 704
Groupe MNH 620

Gross premiums written in EUR millions, without accepted reinsurance; all lines

Top 10 in Group Life Insurance, 2015

EUR millions
Malakoff Médéric 1 292
AXA France 1 194
AG2R La Mondiale 1 185
BTP Prévoyance 892
Humanis 787
CNP Assurances 678
Klesia 528
Groupama 522
Allianz 502
Mutex 429

Gross premiums written in EUR millions, without accepted reinsurance; life insurance only

Source for rankings: L’Argus de l’Assurance


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